"Coran read this book with interest,
for it surprised him to know that the chambers needed scriptwriters. Well, he thought, I might just go in for this myself!

You've got in this far but it doesn't mean that you can stop reading, this file is not actually as long as you might think!

I need people

Yes, it will possibly surprise you to know, but probably won't, that I need help with this webpage. It's not an easy job by yourself. I'm not skilled at everything you know!

What do I need
I need you people out there to make artwork that can be downloaded and use as backgrounds etc. I need people to write some WH40K programs for the goodies section, and to compose some music. I need ideas, stories, battle reports, and I need writers for the Pages Of The Damned, and many more things. This website has a lot of potential, but it will only reach it's full potential if you help to create it.

Who do I need?

How good does it have to be?
Well, send it in, and I'll say if I want it (or if I don't)!

None of that here I'm afraid, it's do it for nothing or don't do it at-all.
Other rewards
The knowledge that your work has gone out on the internet for everyone to see. It mmay be a small audience, but it is an audience nonetheless.

What's my site got that others haven't?
Hmm, you, hopefully!

So, you're not convinced, huh?
Well, you've got me there, I guess you're a lost cause then, such a shame, you sounded good for the job!

What's that, my skills of persuasion are excellent, you want to contribute but you don't know how to go about it?
I can tell you that, all you have to do is become a registered contributor for my website, by filling in the form below, and clicking the submit button, simple as that, you will be a registered contributor straight away, and you can start to contribute by E-mailing me, with your files attached (in a zip file PLEASE)

What are the benefits of being a registered contributor?
Well, you will receive the quarterly contributors newsletter, written by me, and any contributors that may also wish to write, through your e-mail.
This includes:
-An update on what needs to be done and what has been done.
-Anything else I can think of.

Do I have to do anything to stay a registered contributor?
No, but being a contributor (and a registered one at that), implys that you contribute fairly frequently.

Anyway, enough waffling, here's the form to fill in.

Your name
Your username
Your E-mail address
What sort of thing would you do?
Write stories, or articles etc.
Produce art
Compose music
Give suggestions
Battle reports
Something else
Home E-mail me!